The Boys & Girls Club has recently switched from using the Virginia Department of Social Services NAP credits to the Virginia Department of Education Tax Credits called NAPE. The 65% tax credit on eligible donations has remained the same. We made the decision to offer the education credits because the program better reflects our mission and vision of helping members become a positive impact on the community by graduating from high school, with a work ethic, prepared for the future. The minimum donation for an individual is $500.00 and the maximum is $125,000.00. The minimum for a business is $616.00 with no maximum on the donation.
All eligible donations are based on a first come first serve basis. Eligibility requires that all donations have proper supporting documentation i.e., copied check or credit card statement accompanied by a business or individual NAPE form completed The Department of Education makes the final decision on the eligibility of all donations.
If you are interested in donating or need more information, please email